With decades of experience and a reputation for professionalism and quality, Byford Projects is well equipped to complete your next asphalt driveway project. We provide quality asphalt paving of commercial, industrial and residential car parks, roads, walkways and other surfaces, as well as asphalt repair, overlay and sealcoating for any sized asphalt paving project. Check out our asphalt driveway projects HERE.
As an asphalt paving contractor, our experts can also provide specialty construction for kerbs, channels, gutters, speed bumps, trench drains, catch basins, bin pads, shed pads and other surfaces. We offer complete services for asphalt repair, maintenance and resurfacing. Our experienced crews routinely work with tight construction schedules and we can easily coordinate our work with other trades on the site.
Asphalt paving is most commonly used in road construction but can also be used for car parks, driveways, and entrance ways. Asphalt provides a smoother finish than bitumen but is also a more expensive option. Asphalt is purchased pre-mixed from an asphalt plant and is then placed on the area and compacted. This can be done by hand for small areas or by use of a paving machine for larger areas. Asphalt needs to be laid onto a well compacted gravel base.
We specialise in asphalt driveways and service Toowoomba, Pittsworth, Dalby, Gatton, Laidley, Roma, Chinchilla, Oakey and Warwick areas. Read more about Byford Projects HERE.
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