With decades of experience and a reputation for professionalism and quality, Byford Projects is well equipped to complete your next project. We provide quality bitumen sealing of commercial, industrial and residential car parks, roads, walkways and other surfaces, as well as bitumen repair, overlay and sealcoating for any sized project.
As a bitumen contractor, our experts can also provide specialty construction for kerbs, gutters, speed bumps, trench drains, catch basins, bin pads, house pads and other areas. We offer complete services for bitumen repair, maintenance and resurfacing. Our experienced crews routinely work with tight construction schedules and we can easily coordinate our work with other trades on the site. Check out our bitumen projects HERE.
Hot Spray Bitumen Sealing
Hot Spray Bitumen Sealing can be used for roads, carparks, driveways, bike tracks, walkways and anywhere that requires all-weather use. There are four steps to completing a hot spray bitumen seal. The first and most important step is proper ground preparation. The appearance and longevity of a bitumen seal will only be as good as what it is built on. A heavily compacted gravel base or a pre-existing bitumen surface is required to provide a long lasting finish.
The second step is spraying the job with prime. The prime, which is a sealing membrane, protects the job prior to sealing as well as providing a bond onto which the bitumen can adhere to. The third step involves spraying a layer of hot liquid bitumen and then covering the liquid layer with a layer of pre-coated aggregate (stone). The area is then rolled to ensure there is a good bond between the bitumen spray and the stone. The fourth step is a repeat of step three; another layer of hot liquid bitumen is sprayed and another layer of pre-coated aggregate is applied. The second time around a smaller stone is used to fill in the voids left between the aggregate of the first layer. The job is rolled one more time and is then complete.
Areas that have pre-existing bitumen may only require power brooming, patching and a single coat of hot spray sealing to repair and extend the life of the road.
Cold Spray Bitumen Emulsion Sealing
Cold Spray Emulsion Sealing is generally used for areas that have light traffic and it can be a more cost-effective option for residential properties than hot spray bitumen. Cold Spray Emulsion Sealing is similar to hot spray sealing in that it is applied using two coats of spray and stone. Rather than a hot liquid bitumen, a water based emulsion is used. It still requires the four steps involved in hot spray sealing: ground preparation, priming spray, aggregate and rolling. A repeat of spray, aggregate and rolling is also completed.
We specialize in bitumen driveways, car parks, crack filling, pavement marking, overlays, patching and pothole repair. We service Toowoomba, Pittsworth, Dalby, Gatton, Roma, Chinchilla, Laidley, Oakey and Warwick areas. Read more about Byford Projects HERE.
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While bitumen remains an excellent choice for many pavement applications, it does require periodic maintenance. Proper and timely maintenance will ensure that your bitumen surface is easier to clean, safer for pedestrians, looks more attractive, and has a longer lifespan. Our bitumen paving experts can help you to evaluate your paving situation and develop an appropriate maintenance plan.
Over time, your bitumen surface will move through phases of light maintenance to repair and eventually to resurfacing or replacement. Bitumen can crack, develop potholes and break away around the edges. Cracks can be sealed using liquid Samifilla, a hot rubberised sealant which seals the crack and stops water from getting under the bitumen and causing more serious problems. We can fix potholes using either hot mix or cold mix bitumen, revitalising it to its once smooth surface. Larger problems areas can be removed using our profiler and then corrected. These services can usually be completed with minimal disruption to your property.
Resurfacing can be expensive and evaluating proposals can be confusing. Our proposals and bids always focus on delivering a quality product not simply winning the job with cheap prices based on cutting corners or using sub-par materials. As part of your replacement project we can provide amenities such as catch basins, islands, drains, footings and other concrete construction needs.